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The RPS Game Club pick for July is Unpacking!

Let's unpack this charming puzzle game

An isometric cutaway of an artist's office in the game Unpacking, with a sophisticated drawing tablet and computer as well as a lot of cute desk toys
Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun

Now that we've all escaped the clutches of The Tartarus Key, it's time for another RPS Game Club pick! This month's game has been chosen by yours truly and I'm very much in the mood to revisit a comfy, cosy puzzle game so I've chosen Unpacking. Cue the confetti!

Unpacking is a puzzle game that's all about pulling your homewares and personal items out of cardboard moving boxes and placing them in a new home. It's best described as a relaxing house moving sim but it's also a sort of block-fitting puzzle game. Finding the perfect spot for each item is largely down to your own personal taste, but there are some loose 'room rules' (no, you cannot put your toaster in the bedroom for some midnight cheese toastie action). If you like organising games - A Little To The Left, Sticky Business, Wilmot's Warehouse and the like - then Unpacking is the game for you.

I also have another reason for picking Unpacking for this month's Game Club, and it's that I love looking at they way other player's have organised their rooms. Call me nosey, but I really like seeing where other folks have put their stuff, it's like a window into their psyche. Like, how did you arrange the books? By size or colour? How did you sort the clothes in the closet? Did you hang up the shirts or fold them?

So with this in mind, if you're keen to get involved in this month's Game Club pick, I want to see your rooms in Unpacking! I want to be amazed and horrified at your personal choices, so please feel free to send me a screenshot of your in-game rooms at rachel.watts@rockpapershotgun.com and make sure the subject line is HERES MY UNPACKING ROOM I ACCEPT YOUR JUDGEMENT or something similar. I'll chuck them all in an article at the end of the month and we can see who is an organisational mastermind and who is deeply disturbed. I'll also be wrangling members of the team to do the same, so no one is safe.

If you don't already have Unpacking, you can nab it over on Steam, GOG, Xbox Store and the Humble Store for £15/$20/€20 (but right now it's on sale for £9/$12/€12). It's also on Game Pass, which is nice. Unpacking takes about 4ish hours to complete from start to finish, so it'll make for a cosy evening of gaming.

As always, we'll be posting articles about Unpacking over the course of July and then at the end of the month we'll have a liveblog chat where you can all join in the discussion. See you then!

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Rachel Watts


Rachel was RPS' reviews editor. She has seven years of games journalism under her hat and has always been a passionate advocate for indie games.

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